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About the Author: Fortnite Poggers


  1. Playing this games would not take to learn kids and teenagers,fortnite should be gone like for 2 days and it will release in the next 2 day cause fortnite is really distract to learning,that's why your parents get mad cause your thinking of games neither learning,realize how your parents get mad now? This is the lesson for you.

  2. This is how many wins you will get??

    And also, got 99k Vbucks without having to pay for it . I posted method on my youtube

    Visit My Youtube

  3. Last digit of likes is what location come back

    1. Wailing Woods
    2. Lazy links
    3. Anarchy acres
    4. Og Salty Factories
    5. Dusty depot
    6. Tomato town
    7. Risky reels
    8. Flush factory
    9. Og loot lake
    0. Greasy grove

    I am a small Youtuber with goals any support helps.

  4. Bruh apex and fortnite both have hella inspiration from overwatch..

    this ball is like the character Hammond. Overwatch had sprays and emotes before this and many skins look alike Apex has heroes with types like support just like overwatch and

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