GoPro Awards: Epic Drone Race at Night

See the piloting that landed Tony Thompson second place at the Phoenix Cup.

Captured and submitted by GoPro Awards recipient Tony Thompson.

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Shot 100% on the HERO4® camera from ‪

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  1. Imagine doing this with the wireless VR goggles while being in a wind tunnel with a suit that relays your body movements over to the drone so you can control it with your body. . .

  2. Fun race footage, but I feel like the post production HUD and video-game like "score" really take away from the true FPV experience.

  3. I was looking forward to a drone racing video by gopro (most drone racers carry a gopro session on their quads when they want to capture great looking HD footage) but this heavily dissappointed me. I mean I get that drone racing isn't for the mass market yet, but the HUD and especially the "power ups" (i mean, "turbo boost", really?) ruin all the true drone racing experience that this video could convey. The extremely dark track may look cool, but a nicely lit track outside in the woods or inside with some spectacular obstacles look much better in video.
    Drone racing is looking much more impressive, when the viewers get some perspective of the speed of the quads and size of the obstacles. In this video you can't really see if the obstacles are 50 cm or 5 m in size. You can do better than that, gopro!

    PS: I'm also sure that this wasn't a great lap from the pilot, as I'm sure he's a lot more capable than this. Probably because he didn't want to spend precious training time to fly with a gopro (that alters the way his ultra-light machine flies). A good pilot on a track that he got time to get used to can make the speed seem more unrealistic than this HUD. 😉

  4. Can someone explain to me what this is and where to go for more info and how expensive this is? Why in the world aren't the large formats of racing using this is my biggest question?????? This is way more accurate and engaging than just flying around way off course and it actually keeps people honest which is a huge deal IMO!!!

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