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About the Author: lakerzz8


  1. everyday a fight to stay alive, constant war in your head, it's you against you, if you know someone with this vile disease please Help them, the smallest of aid helps more than you will ever know

  2. You won't hear a person say that hearing voices nearly drove them crazy. Only a healthy person might be "driven crazy" by hearing voices that a internally produced by the brain. A person with schizophrenia is not experiencing the world in a way that can be simulated as it is depicted in this virtual experience. Schizophrenia is so much more complex than this simulation…there is something much more serious going on in certain subtypes of the disease. This is why people in society, in juries, etc. draw misguided conclusions and make wrong and unjust decisions when a person with schizophrenia commits an unlawful act. In certain people with the disease, there is a disorder of consciousness. Simply seeing strange and disorienting things, simply hearing acutely frustrating or frightening hallucinations is not enough to cause someone to act out violently or to not be able to conform to socially normative behaviors.

  3. I actually have schizophrenia. this is bullshit. it is nothing like it. I my self don't have a lot if virtual hallucinations but I always have auditory hallucinations. the auditory in here are real but not the virtual

  4. thornuvdaff77 I agree. I myself am schizophrenic and am able to stop an episode nearly immediately after it starts. as long as the person is aware they are schizophrenic they can control it, if they deny they are, they have no control over it because it seems real to them.

  5. Yup it's similar I get hallucinations of cartoons like DBZ, and other stuff it is definitely like this.Also experience voices it's hard one day will be free of this. Mental Patients go thru Hell literally.

  6. Get them doped up on antipsychotics so heavily they won't "act out". They tell you the medicine is to help you, however the meds turn you into an unfeeling robot that can function in the real world but feels detached from it because the meds take away your ability to feel.
    I guess the doctor's version of "getting better" is to numb you and turn you into an obedient little sheep. You become dissociated from life and soon the thoughts of using suicide as a way to escape it all come creeping up.

  7. I think if I ever had schizophrenia, I would probably freak out and try to hide somewhere for all eternity. The simulation was so scary ;_;

  8. Lovely. Now add this to experience. Imagine having all that shit going on inside your head and instead of getting help and compassion from normal members of our 'civilized' society, you get lynching 'he's crazy, lock him in a institution forever' attitude.

  9. The way that the hostess seems to feign a sense of empathy and caring draws me to the conclusion that she deserves an aluminum baseball bat to the teeth.

  10. Sounds alot like living in hell i had depression but its nothing compared to schizophrenia 100% sympathy and respect for people living with this disorder <3

  11. This "simulation" is probably an insult to those with schizophrenia. When you really sit down and watch the video, it's poorly animated, not disturbing, and not scary in the slightest. Those with schizophrenia experience visceral fear in reaction to things much more disturbing than this in their own minds.

  12. Schizophrenia is the worst torture you can experience. I once had auditory hallucinations thinking people were going to kill me, and luckily I'm past that.

  13. I had psychosis, which is a similar experience to schizophrenia on the auditory plane. I found that despite hearing voices and other things such as my front door being broke down and someone running up the steps of my house, my audiation ability had increased tenfold. As long as i played music in my head the voices disappeared, almost as if i was turning their power against them. Dunno how helpful it is but i would say that i would gladly have lived life like this instead of mind killing meds.

  14. I know someone who is schizophrenic, and I feel like his are a lot more violent and scary than this. Like people hurting other people, people cutting him, telling him to do things like kill himself or self harm or follow people. I can't imagine the pain and suffering that unmedicated and even medicated schizophrenics who still have symptoms go through. There needs to be more research put into this disorder for more than just meds to give people.

  15. I feel really bad for schizophrenic people. Krovimorvi is right, bipolar people can sometimes have auditory and visual hallucinations as well as delusions.

  16. Don't worry. My mother is bipolar too, and she has had hallucinations also. Really scary ones. 🙂 She's not schizofrenic though.

  17. When I was a kid, there would always be 2-5 "people" constantly talking in my head. Not a conversation, just random, scattered thoughts, but they weren't my own. It was never negative, just random, like I could still focus on stuff but there was always this background noise that never made sense. I'm 14 now, and I haven't heard the voices for at least 3 years, but I often wonder what they were and where they went, if it was just my childlike imagination? Does anyone know?

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