World's Smallest Video Drone!

Tiny Video Drones (USA Link) – Tiny Video Drones (International) – Drones continue to shrink… This little guy shoots …


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About the Author: Unbox Therapy


  1. Hey Unbox Therapy, you did all this drone stuff, I recommend you check out the wonderful world of tiny whoops. Tiny Whoops are a FPV hobby drone – For just 65$ you can get a drone, controller, and FPV goggles called the Eachine E013. You could also check out the Emax Tinyhawk, 165$ depending in where you get it and a great beginner to advanced drone, I've gotten ~35mph out of mine.

  2. These never caught on because they are a fucking pain to fix! Mine had a malfunction after changing the motor, and I just gave up.

  3. What is the lifting capacity of this drone? Could it be used for drone fishing somehow? I'm thinking probably not but I like the size and power behind it.

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