Let’s review the bull run and talk about WHAT happened, WHY it happened, WHAT’s happening now and WHAT is going to happen. I also have a great bod.


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About the Author: Alex Becker's Channel


  1. Cohen's channel is all about reading models, and one of the main thing he says is "all models are wrong" and "I don't know what is going to happen. All I do is look at the data"

  2. For the people who got in late. Don’t let the phrase “diamond hands” get you down. Be in this game long term and the chances of winning are high. Timing the market doesn’t always go to plan. People cash out then end up missing on the pumps. Just dollar cost average in. Go by a fundamental rule in life. Nothing comes easy, so embrace the downs, this game ain’t hard, it just requires patience

  3. If anyone is still in the game, these are my personal rules… Unfortunately, these are more logical ones, and less based on a tantrum:
    – never spend more then you can
    – before you invest, investigate
    – DON'T listen to your gut. Your gut means emotion, and that's fomo, greed, and fear. Make decisions based on logic.
    – don't panic buy or sell.
    – If you miss the top spike, wait for another. If you don't believe there will be another, you bought a shit coin.
    – If you missed the buy, don't fomo buy.
    – don't think about "oh man, only if I…" THE DECISION WAS MADE.
    – Listen to external factors, a REALLY listen to people that know. NOT influencers. The only way to learn is to listen to people that know more then you, and are telling you that not for their own profit.
    – buy and sell on the long term, because it's less stressful.

    Hope this helps. Best of luck. If you lose, hold and believe. ??

  4. Influencers need to explain why they say what they say. People are buying for so many different reasons from 10 year+ investments with a view on the tech (whether or not that's a good thing is whatever). While some invest, some swing trade, day trade, or just wanna have a good oooool gamble n see what happens. I think they're all valid if you know what you're actually trying to achieve. Like… if you think you're investing in Ass coin you have a problem. But if you just wanna see if you can get into Ass and back out further down the line than you got in, before everyone leaves you holding a bag of shit, I don't see anything wrong with that. Just don't get that shit confused. Especially when it comes to ass. It could get messy.

  5. There's no doubt in my mind that we are not only going bull, but BTCis going nuclear. A lot of people are wondering if now is a good time to buy because of where the price is at right now. I'd say it's outrightly wrong to just sit back hodl and wait maybe incur some losses along the line, that's a wrong mindset for an investor because as an investor finding ways to always increase and stack up more coins thereby making prof!ts should be the way of life, even experienced traders are in a doubt to take long or short position. I have been more skillful than lucky to be honest also thanks to Daniel wright who trained me as my initial investment was multiplied so much In two months. After getting in touch with Daniel wright an exp:ert in cryptography, who showed me how to use his program to make transactions and got 7 btc in 2 moths with him. if you are looking for a way to increase your portfolio or investment. Daniel TєIєɠramm; ( @danielwrightfx

  6. I think we’re now in the next part of the cycle where the memes get wrecked and the actual innovative projects take off. The market is maturing, we are now getting passed the ass coin phase
    By the way I think saying btc at 30k and it’s risk to reward is incredible for most institutions- worse case 15k best case 3x you do the math u said it yourself…..

  7. Guys, dont forget the last time he sold at 50k. he was right and everything dumped. i can already see Alex trolling the shit outta people using this video when we drop sub 20k

  8. I could start a YouTube channel and call myself a crypto expert but in reality i know nothing… you guys make shit up… no one really knows what btc/alts are gonna do

  9. I was taught when I started last year to buy and hold with stocks. I have never sold any of my BTC, ETH or all my ALTS. Bag holder they call me…They told me to buy when there 's blood in the streets even when its yours..

  10. I hold long term and I don't wanna pay too much taxes that's why I'm still holding but I appreciate your honesty and realness too many crypto youtubers are full of ego and they don't want to admit their mistakes and you are the opposite ! ? ? appreciate that

  11. I agree with you about BTC ultimately not being the top coin. If BTC is digital gold, that would be like saying physical gold is your top weighting in your stock portfolio.

  12. HODL? Have Only Dips, Losing….

    *If you don't eventually make a call, you ride it all the way to the damn bottom*

  13. I like how you just crap out your thoughts without giving a s*!+ 🙂 I think Bitcoins following is overrated because nobody has the balls to call it out and for the moment the centiment is that we need Bitcoin to drive the market but we won't need Bitcoin once real adoption happens

  14. Alex hope you’re well….Great video….would be great if you could look at the game changer that is Metahero…this is such a unique project….??

  15. Man, U were the Only guy in April saying, there is not gonna be Grand ma showing us a sign, hey crash is coming… Thanks a Lot. You, Ben Cowen and Steve Courtney are the reason I sold everything I had around 50k btc n kept Most of my Gains….

  16. This is a master class on how not to handle markets. This will not age well. And the extra layer of irony is that there is a non-zero probability that this dude sold the bottom or close to it. Buy what you believe in and turn the tv off for 10 years. Timing markets is a fools errand.

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