Celsius Crisis Could Cause 'Cascading' Price for Bitcoin, Cryptos Warns Simon Dixon

Celsius Crisis Could Cause 'Cascading' Price for Bitcoin, Cryptos Warns Simon Dixon

The crypto lending industry, “has created a 2007-style systemic risk event, similar to Lehman Brothers, but built upon digital hard …


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About the Author: Stansberry Research


  1. Jesus! Another ‘softball’ interview. So irritating. Why is it every interviewer dodges the question’ ‘what happens next’. ‘How are you influencing the board’? How do you make sure your plan is implemented’. Instead, generic crap about the overall market

  2. I am confident that when the market gets closer to its generational low, I cannot afford to remain away from it. The potential cost of ignoring this $BTC retracement is too large; many people are unaware that bear markets are where profits are earned.

  3. Bless you Daniela for keeping it so real here. This report was truly a great one and so was your guest! You have a beautiful soul Daniela!!!

  4. Not even going to listen to this fraudster, SR you guys should pick better people to interview. Cause you have not done your Research it seems.

  5. cryptos dont require malicious actors
    to ruin the industry
    cause (wàkey wàkey)
    its already ruin'd
    its not an industry'
    and if celsius had a shape
    "it be an anchor"
    (tsk tsk daniela)
    faith has got nothin to do with it
    'unless your fàith is in
    the 'currency'
    instead of thèècrèàtor' ,,,

  6. At the moment, Bitcoin appears to be highly
    unpredictable, with some forecasting a crash
    and others predicting a new all-time high. We'll
    have to wait and see what happens, I'm unable
    to sell and am still holding strongly. We haven't
    yet reached the Bottom.

  7. This is why legacy media is dying. That heart felt moment at the end is why we trust the advice. Money is just money. Fed can turn it on and off at a whim.

  8. This is my new favorite financial channel on YouTube! Daniela brings in the finest minds in their respective financial fields and it is always so educational. Thank you for this great channel, Daniela! 🙌🏼

  9. I feel for these people that dumped their life savings into these things but honestly they should have known better. It was obvious to even someone like me who knows little about the space that it was risky.

  10. It "appears" that trading platforms "accidentally" became fractional reserve banks…
    Had there not been a correction would the trading platforms or anyone known they had accidentally became a fractional reserve bank?

  11. Why Holy 9999 SILVER ? Well Everyone is a SILVER user and electronics Only use 9999 SILVER + Hundreds of other uses. GODS Money require Calories/Energy to obtain. Those Calories/Energy that it took to obtain GODS Money remain in the Coin or Bar Forever. As Energy/Calories Rise, So does GODS Money in the Multiples Soon since it has been Manipulated for so So Long expect Blessings in the multiples to those who Hold Just Weights & measures. People have been tricked and still have time but its a month or two at the most YOU have before The HARVEST is OVER….We are in GODS 50th Year Jubilee because of Roe vs Wade…GOD FAVORS US ONCE AGAIN …PRAISE THE LORD…..VAXULA was released because SILVER is becoming UNOBTAINUM and Humanity cant move forward without Holy SILVER.

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