Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Review Roundtable: How It Compares to Pokemon Legends Arceus – NVC 638

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Review Roundtable: How It Compares to Pokemon Legends Arceus - NVC 638

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet reviews are here, and we’re joined by Polygon’s Nicole Carpenter and returning trainers Reb …


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About the Author: IGN Games


  1. Here’s the thing though, is anyone actually surprised!? Their delivery has only been getting worst, and each time we’ve excused the behavior and said “it’s a step in the right direction” rather than properly delivery, and so they kept up with it. This game is full of shortcuts, and the company has been using up its capital to get away this. GameFreak / Nintendo has the resources to make a great Pokémon game, and they used to; however, they have not prioritized the game development compared to other parts of the IP. It’s used to market other things, and their bad behavior has finally caught up to them. And it’s sad because this series used to be great. Just don’t excuse this going forward.

  2. Pokemon is literally the biggest IP in the world. They can afford to invest the development time and money slow down the release cycle and release a polished game. They clearly just don't care as long as they keep raking in the money.

  3. Thanks for the heads up that every issue of NP is available for download! Thank you! I’m old, my first Nintendo Power was (no lie) the original one with the clay Mario 2 cover!

    Great Stuff, as always!

  4. Damm Nintendo was the last one standing releasing actual finished games. Now they have fallen to the western effect of releasing unfinished products and just bombarding us with patches.

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