5 Psychological Tricks Pros Use To Stay Perfectly Calm in Fortnite

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  1. Nothing like a video that over the course of 10 minutes doesnt say what the fucking title or intro said. Good thing yt added dknt recomend chamnel btn

  2. Everytime you don't need to do something in game or before a game let your arms hang down and chill, that helps a lot for me

  3. this is my only problem my aim is decent my building is above average on a low ping i just get really shaky aim near endgame and at endgame. Thanks for making this vid.

  4. I know this is 8 months old but hearing how bugha stayed calm is something I think I needed to hear and something I'm going to try more instead of getting mad at little things

  5. So what your saying is if your like me and have no family, so because I have no family or close friends that us people can't become pro players is just bullshit

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