Hit *200* Pumps EVERY Time In Fortnite! – Shotgun Aim Guide!

In this video, I talk about some tips and tricks to improve your shotgun aim and hit for 200 damage every single time. I got the idea …


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About the Author: itsJerian


  1. hey Jerian any idea why my pump shotgun totally won’t shoot at all on ps4 controller? I have noticed it always when my opponent is playing on pc or ps5. I understand there gun shooting faster but often when I am in a 1v1 my shotgun is going to misfire 90 percent of the time. It’s always the second or third shot. I always get my first shot off but more times then not the second and third time I pull the trigger more times then not my gun doesn’t fire at all. My controller is new and i’ve tried playing using my usb cord to try to lower the bloom. any thoughts on things i can try to help? thanks

  2. I hit a lot of shots cuz you know when your cross hair turns red when you hover over someone well thats when i shoot

  3. As a controller player who doesn’t use aim assist on any game it hurts to hear pc players shit on our skill by assuming aim assist is the only way we get kills 😭

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