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About the Author: Unbox Therapy


  1. Hi unbox therapy is me again Kevin from Ghana and i have been commenting on ur videos for ur help. I'm an electrical engineer student who's in need of some tec to improve my learning skills pls can u help me out

  2. i had one similar,but it was a small PC with a slide out keyboard, it could do two things save notes and a calculator function

  3. Had me laughing 😂 when Lou started pushing the time 🕰️ set up buttons 😂 the little red dots imprinted on your fingers after pushing the buttons so many times.

  4. I had the original and it was dazzling for its day. Nothing else like it at the time. It was like a look into the future. Rock on Retro Tech peeps. ❤🤘

  5. I got my Lenovo Smart Clock for 50 at minimum (Aus Dollar)
    For 400 (Canadian Dollar as someone mentioned.) Isn't worth for this price.
    You could instead get any smart clock with a touchscreen (Lenovo Smart Clocks come in very cheap in a used market.)
    Get a peripheral station with multiple USB, SD card reader, HDMI expansion ports much cheaper.

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