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About the Author: IGN


  1. Fun fact! The reason why scale frequently takes people by surprise in VR is due to the fact that the lenses in VR headsets essentially puts the focus point at infinity, resulting in the image being positioned inside your eye rather than in front like a normal display. This is pretty accurate recreation of how your vision works in the real world, so you're able to see things at their real-world scale, as though you were actually there.

    This often results in a similar experience to when you go to see something famous that you've seen on TV and are surprised that it was bigger/smaller than you were expecting. Since there's no TV in existence large enough to show Lady Dimitrescu at real world scale, your brain has to estimate size based on the size of familiar objects nearby. In VR, you see her at her real size!

  2. Took me 14 hours to beat the game. Amazing game! Doing my 2nd run now on the hardest difficulty and still need find some goats 😂 29/35
    Edit: didn’t know you can throw the knife lol !

  3. Only tested it 20 Minutes a few days agoâ€Ķi hate the controls and would prefer to just play with the normal controller (like RE7)

    But: its not possible?!

  4. Now that you guys discovered PSVR, go back and play Resident Evil 7 in VR. Graphically, Story, Music, Mood, Gameplay, was a single reason to own a PSVR. Do yourself a favor, go play that game, get caught up, than continue. Even it’s DLC. If you’re feeling froggy, Astrobot as well.

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