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About the Author: Unbox Therapy


  1. honor marketing,promotional video not review video, jerryrig did the exact this mechanical balance thing for honor fold.

  2. Going to gym everyday to lift around 500 pounds and getting stronger and then nagging about to carry some couple of grams of my phone . What’s a shitty life πŸ˜‚

  3. I've never understood people's complaint about phone weight. They're never heavy enough for me to think "wow, I want to talk about how heavy my phone is". Instead, it only pops up with these videos. Then I go back to carrying around my couple gram heavy phone like it's weightless because it ultimately doesn't matter.

  4. What this video tells me is that UnboxTherapy thinks their viewer-base is rich enough to be in the market for a novelty phone and dumb enough to need a 3rd-grade lesson on mass balancing.

  5. What this video tells me is that UnboxTherapy thinks their viewer-base is rich enough to be in the market for a novelty phone and dumb enough to need a 3rd-grade lesson on mass balancing.

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