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About the Author: Marques Brownlee


  1. You don't understand how useful this is for married people with kids and no tv in your bedroom… or when other people are using the TV that has the PS connected to it. Most of us in Asia don't have 4br houses with 3 tvs…

  2. This is so whack. I tune off the moment I hear “remote play” I wish the PS5 had wireless video transmission that didn’t require Internet similar to what production cameras use. I have fast enough internet on paper to do remote play but the input lag is insane (even when accessing my PS5 that’s connected via Ethernet) in my country we have severe data caps for speed to so cellular is not really feasible. DJI could figure out wireless video transmission without internet for 1-2km, Sony figure it out.

  3. @mkbhd You are completely wrong, lack of Bluetooth isn't the worst thing about it, esp. "Experience PS5 games anywhere you go" only works on same network that the PS5 is connected, meaning it's limited to 'anywhere' as long as anywhere falls inside your house or within range of the home network.

  4. The funny thing is Apple is already pretty "outwardly anti-consumer." When is the last time you could connect any non-Apple device to any of your existing Apple products (phone, tablet, laptop, etc.) without the hassle of having to download some BS software or just plain not able to do it at all? You can't use the Apple watch on any non-Apple product. Can't use Apple TV on any non-Apple product. Same with air tags. Same with their unnecessary lightning cables for their phones – not to mention the rumored proprietary USB C chargers. Airpods (pro and max included) limit functionality on non-Apple devices to the point of not being worth using. Any Windows or Android interfacing with Apple is practically useless. Apple's whole crappy philosophy is to only give you their features IF you buy their products and put yourself into their ecosystem – this is in every form "outwardly anti-consumer!" This is NOT to support Sony for this move OR Apple, but rather to say that Apple is absolutely already "outwardly anti-consumer." This was a poor analogy since, well, Apple essentially already does what MKBHD is calling out Sony for in more ways than any other company does.

  5. It would have cost them nothing to include a Bluetooth module. In fact I'd imagine a Bluetooth module would have been cheaper than whatever proprietary module they chose to use.

  6. One day in the near future Apple will launch an IPhone Portable to use the iPhone remotely, this Isheep would say that's a brilliant idea. Mark my word.

  7. I actually have a use case for this personally. I have my ps5 setup in my media room upstairs but I put my kids to bed (upstairs) at 8. I want to to play my ps5 but don’t want to wake them from the noise or light. I always end up playing my switch because of this

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