An early look at the next version of Android… It better be called Android Peppermint. AndroidPolice post:…
The home screen dock is hideous if it's going to be that chunky white block on the bottom
Android PopTart ???
to be honest it looks like a rip off of Apple
As an setting developer of Android, the p will stand for Popsicle
dude thats my wallpaper too on my desktop same as yours.
Android P (pepper mint) / (pepperoni)
Hmm Android Poptart?
corridor clerk each require frequently wrap short odds investigate.
First Android update I am completely and utterly disappointed at. Everything they did to notification center, miss me with that gay/apple shit. I am sticking to 8.1 hope they come to senses.
I would say that youtubers should start optimizing videos for the future 18:9 format… I mean putting pictures more in the middle and onscreen text more to the center 🙂
Yeah, Android is looking more like iOS. P.S: I honestly don't like an insane amount of circles.
What did i learn ? NOTHING.
android p is ugly AF
Ugly as hell
android p is android peppermint
The bezels on this phone are so fucking horrible it looks like 2009
What`s wrong with you, Marques?! You`re a fan of this "shite"? 1. Clock position is changed. Why???! 2. Blue rounded toggles look obsolete like in older Android versions 3. Long press on toggles to expand more wifi network options must be back! 4. Volume controls are way too small! What if you wanna adjust the volume by sliding with your finger?! 5. The view of connected devices in the volume control shade. WTF Google?! Is it logical? 6. The settings menu`s different colored icons look like Samsung`s kindergarten menu. 7. Notch support. Well, I think it`s shite, too. But I guess you can`t avoid it nowadays.
The positive ones I think are: 1. Forced rotation unlock 2. Screenshot mark-ups 3. Battery saving mode from 70% 4. Zoom lens of text selection 5. Toggling off of mic and camera for background apps
I think I`m gonna stay on Oreo cause I like it better than this bullshit. If you guys still have the 7th Android you`d better stay on it!
It's not even worth it to upgrade to a newer android. It's been the same since 6.0.
I hope Google Add in the next update a Screen Recorder that can record internal audio with no third party app.
Android Paranoid lol
Android Paranoid
Screen notch is the worst thing thar was invested in mobile phone industry
Fuck you Marques Brownie
Mkbhd "love from India"
The lower shaded part of the wallpaper is sooo stupid! Stop restricting our choices for full screen wallpapers!
colorful circles remind me of samsung's oddly enough in settings
Android Pagina
Lockdown would be pretty handy when you're drunk!
Please GOD NO NOTCH not pixel 3.
Don’t see clock changing color with that white cloud in the background.
Is it just me or does it really look like IOS now?
Still am on Android jelly bean ?
Android Pringles, Peppermint, Popsicle, Popcorn, Pancake, Pizza and maybe others, i think Peppermint Popsicle or Pancake because usually the android names are sweet snacks
The rounded design is probably to compliment the rounded screen edges on many phones
Menu that has rounded icons and colors to differentiate between the categories…exactly what I've had on Samsung lol
It could be called Android Phospholipid Bilayer
I really like your man man…….
New Android updates are no more exciting, like they used to be..
lock down mode can be used to keep law enforcement from forcing you to unlock your phone using your fingerprint or face.
The home screen dock is hideous if it's going to be that chunky white block on the bottom
Android PopTart ???
to be honest it looks like a rip off of Apple
As an setting developer of Android, the p will stand for Popsicle
dude thats my wallpaper too on my desktop same as yours.
Android P (pepper mint) / (pepperoni)
Hmm Android Poptart?
corridor clerk each require frequently wrap short odds investigate.
First Android update I am completely and utterly disappointed at. Everything they did to notification center, miss me with that gay/apple shit. I am sticking to 8.1 hope they come to senses.
I would say that youtubers should start optimizing videos for the future 18:9 format… I mean putting pictures more in the middle and onscreen text more to the center 🙂
Yeah, Android is looking more like iOS. P.S: I honestly don't like an insane amount of circles.
What did i learn ? NOTHING.
android p is ugly AF
Ugly as hell
android p is android peppermint
The bezels on this phone are so fucking horrible it looks like 2009
What`s wrong with you, Marques?! You`re a fan of this "shite"?
1. Clock position is changed. Why???!
2. Blue rounded toggles look obsolete like in older Android versions
3. Long press on toggles to expand more wifi network options must be back!
4. Volume controls are way too small! What if you wanna adjust the volume by sliding with your finger?!
5. The view of connected devices in the volume control shade. WTF Google?! Is it logical?
6. The settings menu`s different colored icons look like Samsung`s kindergarten menu.
7. Notch support. Well, I think it`s shite, too. But I guess you can`t avoid it nowadays.
The positive ones I think are:
1. Forced rotation unlock
2. Screenshot mark-ups
3. Battery saving mode from 70%
4. Zoom lens of text selection
5. Toggling off of mic and camera for background apps
I think I`m gonna stay on Oreo cause I like it better than this bullshit. If you guys still have the 7th Android you`d better stay on it!
It's not even worth it to upgrade to a newer android. It's been the same since 6.0.
I hope Google Add in the next update a Screen Recorder that can record internal audio with no third party app.
Android Paranoid lol
Android Paranoid
Screen notch is the worst thing thar was invested in mobile phone industry
Fuck you Marques Brownie
Mkbhd "love from India"
The lower shaded part of the wallpaper is sooo stupid! Stop restricting our choices for full screen wallpapers!
colorful circles remind me of samsung's oddly enough in settings
Android Pagina
Lockdown would be pretty handy when you're drunk!
Please GOD NO NOTCH not pixel 3.
Don’t see clock changing color with that white cloud in the background.
Is it just me or does it really look like IOS now?
Still am on Android jelly bean ?
Android Pringles, Peppermint, Popsicle, Popcorn, Pancake, Pizza and maybe others, i think Peppermint Popsicle or Pancake because usually the android names are sweet snacks
The rounded design is probably to compliment the rounded screen edges on many phones
Menu that has rounded icons and colors to differentiate between the categories…exactly what I've had on Samsung lol
It could be called Android Phospholipid Bilayer
I really like your man man…….
New Android updates are no more exciting, like they used to be..
lock down mode can be used to keep law enforcement from forcing you to unlock your phone using your fingerprint or face.
Android pecan?