Top 10 Smallest Cars and Best 2-seater Electric Vehicles for City Driving

Modern cities suffer from various ecological problems, some of which may be solved with the help of electric transport. Electric vehicles proved to be quiet and more eco-friendly than other popular means of modern transportation.

So are there any good solutions that will make you think that it is the right time to get an electric car for city driving? Let’s take a closer look.

Cars featured in this video:

Nissan BladeGlider:

Morgan EV3:

Ingenius EV:

Toyota i-ROAD:

Renault Twizy:

Sero Electric:


Electra Meccanica Solo:

Smart Fortwo Electric:

Reva NXG:


Recommended For You

About the Author: admin


  1. Yes – and the 100% electric, two-seater Tango from Commuter Cars. 39" wide, 8' 6" long, 3,326 lbs. Electric battery ballast allows it to stay upright. Top speed 140 mph. Parks in motorcycle spaces. You Tube search "You Should be Driving Me" to see Tango lane splitting in San Francisco. Go to commutercars dot com for more information, videos, and pictures. Built for sensible highway commuting.

  2. ingenius 90m 11Kw not built 2012 Mitsubishi i-Miev 16Kw 70m 4 seater available now and can go freeway speeds. Smart car almost identical stats as i-Miev, just 2 seats for easier parking. Twizy is definitely efficient at 1/2 the batteries. The Solo once again similar to i-Miev and smart car. Reva info is BS as it is referring to a future vehicle, actually production vehicles have similar stats as others, check website.

  3. Tiens-toi en à faire la narration en Français… leave English to an anglophone!
    ps: it's not a "mahder", it's a "motor"!!! really annoying. you don't even try!

  4. I think those are really nice. I think the Reva NXG is the nicest looking one with great range (compared to the others on the list). I think think the Toyota one would be cool to drive, especially on a motorcycle track. Some of them don't seem to have much of a range when compared to cars from Tesla or Chevrolet. I think it is neat that a couple of the cars are made in countries one does not normally associate with car manufacturing.

  5. I still love my trouble-free 2007 FJ Cruiser, with six-speed manual — and hope to keep it for many years to come. Nonetheless, I enjoy seeing what the next generation of Jeeps will look and drive like. Don Miller

  6. About the motor/motter pronunciation. You do just fine. The putzes below could not do nearly as well in YOUR native language. In English, however, a single consonant like a 't' or 'd' makes 'mo' sound like 'mow' & double 'tt' or 'dd' sound like Mott or Modd.

  7. Top plug-In Hybrid cars similar to Chevy Volt where there is an on-board electric generator to power the car after battery is exhausted… or, at least, greatly extend battery only range… or recharge the battery when stopped if no outlets are to be found.

  8. Hey Pal…'s Motor not Modder. Try it. And….. Give Toyota another try. I Don't Know how it do what you said, but it wasn't Toyota! I Like the video though.

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