Crypto, Cryptocurrency, Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), Ripple (XRP), Litecoin (LTC), Bitcoin Cash (BCH), Tron (TRX), Cardano (ADA) & More Altcoins Trading Future Price Prediction & Coin News 2018!
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(https://twitter.com/CryptoKirby -or- https://t.me/CryptoKirby)
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Sites I use for Crypto / Cryptocurrency include: Coinmarketcap, Coinbase, Bittrex, Binance, Bitfinex, Bitmex, GDAX, Kraken, Gemini & more!
Disclaimer: The content covered in this video is NOT investment advice. I’m NOT a financial adviser. These are only my own personal opinions, ideas, tutorials, charts, technical analysis, insights and price prediction. Always do your own research and only invest solely based on your own findings and personal judgement. Deciding to Invest in and Buy Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), Ripple (XRP), Litecoin (LTC), Bitcoin Cash (BCH), Tron (TRX), Cardano (ADA), Crypto/Bitcoins/Altcoins or ICO/ICOs is extremely high risk!
✔️ TRADE SIGNALS – Join The Party! – https://t.me/AltCoinParty
orhttps://t.me/CryptoKirby)If anyone watching this made "Life changing" money on this bullrun from Altcoins. Please post in comment section.
"boss entry" lol nice!!
Guys gotta get in on that deep brain chain gainz!!
I'm such a fuckin' clown.. I thought it was gonna be Bullish 4 ever 🙁
It's goin' down down down down… It's goin' down down down down!
I notice a common theme – Ability to spend crypto, having a built product with a stable coin. Can i introduce you to another Aus project called CoinXion. It is a built product, a stable token pegged to a gram of gold. Please see the following video, and ill also copy some info from their facebook page. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zuzwTs6yslM also please see the FAQS telegram https://t.me/coinxionundergroundfaqs
We can also orgainse a referral link.
April 2 at 4:56pm ·
Are you ready for CoinXion? Powered by a not-for-profit NGO – allowing minimal fees that outshine corporate competitors like eBay or Amazon – the CoinXion platform utilises community passion and power to bring you what you need, want, or aspire to have in your life.
If you think you can't trade goods and services with crypto because it's too volatile… think again! A new revolution is about to start.
For the first time a stable cryptocurrency – owned by the people, for the people – pegged to the price of one gram of gold, and connected to a marketplace accepting over 30 cryptocurrencies.
As a start-up, CoinXion has taken an evolutionary step beyond ICOs. A fully self-funded platform, already built and supported by philanthropists and a passionate community, CoinXion enters Pre-Launch with a different agenda:
(1) Choose an abandoned, outdated cryptocurrency – GCR, that dropped the ball and failed to serve the cryptocurrency community that supported it.
(2) Encourage everyday people – via community channels, free of arbitrage or market manipulation – to buy GCR coins at affordable prices prior to Coinxion's launch. Commenced in 2016, under the radar, concentrated in developing countries, when GCR prices were as low as 1 cent, right up until their current price
(3) Prepare the community for a one-to-one coin swap between GCR and 105 million of CoinXion’s CXL tokens, each pegged to the price of 1 gram of gold, to help disperse tokens and prosperity throughout the community fairly, and to encourage worldwide platform use right from Launch Day.
(4) Put the abandoned cryptocurrency, GCR, into cold storage in publicly-known, transparent addresses with the private keys destroyed, deeming it unusable and unretrievable, effectively removing it from circulation.
(5) Buy, sell and wish for almost anything you could want, in a secure, stable ecosystem, built for you.
Disruption… Is… Coming…
YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/coinxion
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/coinxion
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/coinxion
DISCORD COMMUNITY: https://discord.gg/QcxPKvb
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vRB4uqFVXN8 12 mins 30 secs… K-Dub gives a quick overview of U network… FYI
It was crashing so hard, My Market Sell Kicked in 🙁 Time to start over. FUCK!
oh my god… !!!! hot moon potato !!! what the hell just happened half an hour ago… everything just lost massive amounts of value… I'm going to sleep and going to try not to give a F about it… time for some flat earth youtube !!
fuck facebook, google, tweeter, all of them motherfuckers that banned cryptos.. they shall be back begging.. lol
nothing pisses me off more than seeing everyone get soo excited..who cares the market is on fire? it can crash by 20 percent tomoororow why do u get so excited lol…
LOL, I have hot potatoed a lot recently…
Guys sell your altcoins! This is not alt season. Bitcoin will absolutely demolish everything in its path! This is a joke
On binance how it has a high and low on all coins how is that determined because i see today it went lower than what its saying on the low thanks
I could feel it coming a few weeks ago too. When you watch the market this close you can feel it heating up.
Kirby you should check out LUX. The market cap is soo low but its a fantastic privacy coin project. Source code is great. American project. Severely undervalued. Also Macafee jumped on board as an advisor. Take of that what you will but rememebr what he did to Verge? Lux is much better than verge in my opinion
Take a look here. https://bitinfocharts.com/
Few BIG entries (new or old?) in BTC.
100 Largest Transactions last 24h: 591,673 BTC ($5,735,146,629 USD) 33.13% Total
Wait for the genaral dump, buy more and hodl.
i bought in, it went down. typical 🙁
Hey Kirby I reckon money is coming from the overpriced manipulated stock markets perhaps…
Banks like the fundamentals of ripple bc it’s centralized
Snoop what a POS, makes me want to sell my XRP
Cookin!!!! Consolidation will be soon. I thought 9.5 would be Wednesday – Friday.. shiiiiiiit now I’m thinkin 10k by the weekend.. and then consolidation.
I heard news about Soros is the reason for this pump.. finally but his billions in.
What sucks is you have to buy BTC at a premium to buy the Alts
Thanks Kirby. Hey just a heads up I believe this Market is about to turn back down to the down side for a little bit. If you look at the weekly chart we are in a massive equilibrium pattern for about the last 3 months.
You killed megan… Newbies arelooking for advice…and your answer would turn off anyone exploring to get in criptocurrency.i know you not giving financial advice….but your channel is more advance in languages in trades…newbies need to get their toes wet….and Bitcoin is still the gate keeper….just saying…
.ps i did understood were you focus is…..