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In this video we witness Faze Crypto Talk about Litecoin (LTC) in respect to the current world of CRYPTOCURRENCY we talk about the potential for $LTC and the way the technology has been showing positive signs in respect to smart contracts and the coming expansion of the technology. Disclaimer this video is for educational purposes only! This is not financial advice this video is only opinion. I am not your dad. Thanks for watching remember to subscribe and share.
Crypto Capital Venture
Litecoin Bullish Trend Continued…
litecoin is a bitcoin time machine
Bitcoin and Ethereum have made a lot of people very wealthy. Just $10 7 years ago will be worth $7.5 million today and $100 in Ethereum has increased to as $66,290 in under two years ! There are stories everywhere of people getting rich. I personally invested in bitcoin and Ethereum. And I've collected bigger gains here than in anything else in my life. For example, I bought Bitcoin twice . 10 coins at $83.40. And 20 more at $128. Today my 20 coins trade nearly 24 times higher . And I also bought Ethereum last November at $9.70… before it rocketed to $355! I was up over 3,500%. But here is the thing nobody is talking about. Bitcoin and Ethereum aren't the real stories anymore. It's the smaller , lesser known NEW digital currencies that are rewarding investors with the next round of huge wins. For example , I recently obtained 27,000 coins in a tiny new digital currency for just 18.5 cents per coin. Those coins now trade for around $4 each- 1,981% higher. And I invested in another one that's jumped from $1.50 to $10.71. Yet this opportunity is just getting started . Today I'll show you the new digital currencies that can turn as little as $10 into over $1million… in the blink of an eye. Yes, that's right… a single crisp of $10 bill could make you a millionaire. It's not only possible… it's actually happening right now . Consider , investors have seen gains of… 75,063% in Cryptonite, 59,577% in InfluxCoin, 60,450% in MaxCoin, and even 823,750% in DubaiCoin! Tiny new digital currencies are offering profits far bigger than bitcoin and much more quickly. I've personally made over 600% in one digital currency more than 1,981 in a second and over 3,500% in another, and I expect to make a whole lot more. Digital currencies are the one place in the markets where you can start with $10 and turn that into real money fast. CNBC did a story on a high school dropout who bought Bitcoin at $12 and is now a millionaire. And the top investors in the world are going all in on the new digital currencies. Now this is what you guys out there should know . A new set of coins are being launched now that could help you turn as little as $10 into over $1 million. I've never seen profit opportunities like this before… in any market and at anytime. For example… in one recent week 23 separate digital currencies doubled in value. By comparison, the S&P 500 hasn't seen a single stock double yet this year. But only those who recognize the opportunity right now will see the fast profits. I first got in on Bitcoin at $83.40 and $128… only to watch it soar to over $2,000. But now I've turned my attention to the new digital currencies. For example; I invested in ANTSHARES earlier this year and at the time it was trading for just $1.50 but I watched it climb to $10.71 in less than a month. I invested in tiny new digital currencies of 12 coins and I cashed out 12,000 at $3.50 but still hold the rest… nearly $100,000 in total. There are now dozens of small digital currencies trading for just a few cents that are moving up dramatically over very short periods; like Asch traded for few cents at first but in less than 3 months $100=$,570. NolimitCoin traded for few cents but now $100=5,348 in 6 days. MediterraneanCoin traded for few cents but now $100=8,313 in 3 months. For a successful and profitable cryptocurrency trading contact ( dylanharry22@gmail.com).
it seems that today market has gone red, hard to predict if this is only a profit take / bear trap or another sideway period started, maybe it is a positive thing despite all. i am closely watching ethereum because instead of litecoin because i like to trade on some altcoin pars (namely deeponion on kucoin and various other privacy coins) and have never looked to much into litecoin despite being one of the oldest.. maybe it is time to have a look into it
Great video, thanks for sharing. I've smashed the like button for you!
If you are looking to get hold of some crypto without investing or mining, look into https://www.crowdholding.com. They are a co-creation platform were you get rewarded for giving feedback to crypto startups on the platform. You can earn Crowdholding's token as well as DeepOnion, ITT, Smartcash and many other ERC-20 tokens.
I couldn't understand all the fud over litepay, like anyone was gonna use it? Let alone spend your LTC right now.. Hardly anyone uses Bitpay.. there are like 5-10 different cards u could use to spend LTC.. Wirex was the last to add it a few days ago, & TenX announced support last month.. More & more merchants will start accepting Litecoin outright in the coming months & years, that's the true goal, & when the value will rise because of "use", not hype.
dude… write it down and read off the paper. No Umm's and Ahh's
POTJ is the latest project from Trevon James check it out: https://potj.me/?masternode=0x4711b485be9179553e5df3b04684ef1f103d3fc7
Ah thanks um very much.
Did you notice the snapshot? When is the actual fork?
1000$ LTC by end of year
DNA results are in… Yes, you are my father.
Litecoin holds the largest percentage of my blockfolio
"Smart' is the buzz word for 2018.
Lets not forget the Litecoin block reward halving is next year,, easy $1500+ by this Christmas
Thanks for update. Your um pauses, show you are thinking as you update, better than the pre scripted updates some people do, that repeat info but don't really understand it at times.
I consider LTC to be a blue chip currency!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
LTC is going to sky rocket over the next couple of months.
Today I read that GRAM token from Pavel Durov can show the biggest growth for all history of cryptocurrencies! In an open round of ICO in the span of just several days they collected almost full whack http://www.cryptovilla.info/gramtoken
1) Umm You um said um "uh, umm" 7466 times. I counted.
2) nowhere is reporting Litecoin smart contracts are rolling out. The only place using Litecoin smart contracts at this point is ABRA.
3) Just because Litecoin moved the 6th position doesn't "renew confidence" Confidence in Litecoin stems from it's unbelievably utility. Clearly demonstrated by the fact someone last week sent someone else $99 million in 150 seconds for a total cost of 40 cents.
4) I um am um unsubscribing uh now
I managed to buy 2000 Telegram tokens http://www.icorating2018.info/telegramico Hope they will help me to change the car this year)
The most perspective ICO this year is icorating2018.info/icotelegram the GRAM Token can cost 100-200 dollars. Considering the fact that now it is sold at 1.3 dollars)
Do you want to toast on the beach with beautiful and slender girls? Buy Zilliqa or receive it free of charge in airdrop https://airdropnews.pro/ref45566
Oh I have sensing that it is time to buy Zilliqa and to participate in their airdrop http://www.airdropnews.pro/zil
Do not invest in bad coins! Choose only the perspective projects! Here is for example the ICO Telegram. This is the best variant http://www.cryptovilla.info/cryptogram
Are you stupid, ugly and diffident man? Then become rich and get some joy in living! The avenue to wealth is a Zilliqa-coin. It will make x500 this year! They have a giveaway of tokens now http://myairdrop.org/zil
You say “um” and “ah”way to much
What are the general perspectives for Zilliqa? Yesterday I received tokens from their airdrop https://myairdrop.org/zil yesterday Now I think about the time of their disposal. Is it better to do it now or to wait till the end of a year?
I need an advide conncted with Zilliqa. Yesterday I received tokens from airdrop https://freetokens.site/zil to Whom it is possible to sell them? Or is it better to register at the exchange?
Flip over)) the Open ICO Telegram – round gathered over 70% of means in the span of just several days on http://www.cryptovilla.org/telegram-ico ) These coins will strongly grow in price uniquely after floatation ) It is necessary to buy them while the going is good!
I’m not your Dad!
I was very disappointed by Bitcoin( Now I have the only hope for Telegram – token. I bought 10000 tokens. Literally for a couple of days of an open pre-sale they snapped up almost all the tokens on http://www.newtokens.info/gramblockchain
ICO TELEGRAM opened pre-sale for common users) Literally in a couple of days they snapped up 85% of tokens. I managed to buy 2750 tokens on icorating2018.info/tonblockchain
The most perspective ICO this year is icorating2018.info/icotelegram the GRAM Token can cost 100-200 dollars. Considering the fact that now it is sold at 1.3 dollars)
crypto capital opinion is if this then this if that then that. never been right but always 50/50 chance.
Litecoin at moon LTC – Lesy39iqzj3nxmLZrsktyACVabMhZPmkgD
Faze, do a review on Thekey ASAP… MOON SOON ???
Awesome Video Faze Always Enlightening
Hiii what's up?