Crypto News: Altcoin Bull Run! Tron On Coinbase? Ripple Sued! IOTA Porsche $GVT $LN $BAT

Crypto News: Altcoin Bull Run! Tron On Coinbase? Ripple Lawsuit, Genesis Vision Trading Competitio, Lightning Network Labs.

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  1. I was listening to your news report about regulation and it occurs to me….out of curiosity is the FCC in charge of the world? I mean, how does an american agency have anything to do with transactions made on other continents? i've always been fascinated with how we all accept that agencies that only represent a small 300 million people from the USA (and they don't even represent that- because I never asked for their peculiar form of 'representation'. LOL did you? LOL NOPE.) so how does someone who only represents 300 million out of 7 BILLION get to walk in and say jack shit??? seriously. does anyone ever ask where they get the damn arrogance to make those kind of claims? one day 100's if not 1,000s of years from now, mankind will laugh at the insane idea known as authority and government. It will seem as bizarre as throwing virgins into volcanoes. words like 'regulation' will be seen for what they really are… "C" trying to violently interlope and control an "A and B" voluntary transaction that is none of their business. A and B want to be left alone to interact with one another, but C somehow insanely thinks he has the right to interfere.

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  3. Tons of info as fast as humanly possible! Holy crap dude…your now almost at the top of my youtube list… straight to the poit updates…love it! Keep it up!!!

  4. Legal distraction against XRP is just another attempt to stop Ripple from dominating the payment scan the big banks are involved in. XRP will be the night mare for the big banks

  5. Jamie Dimon and John McAfee – both men I do not trust, and will never trust. He may be "just himself" as you said, but I think he is a shill-huckster with bad intent on everyone other than himself. Fuck you, John. Use the micro-penis from that human bag of garbage, Mr. Tiny Dick Dimon.

  6. Great vid. Don’t doubt friends. I’ve been seeing reviews about ashton clegg over YouTube for months now. I finally decided to contact him two weeks ago and I just withdrew my profits of $9,300. Thank you so much sir for being real. call or whatsapp him with +1518 3519039,..,,,

  7. Great vid. Don’t doubt friends. I’ve been seeing reviews about ashton clegg over YouTube for months now. I finally decided to contact him two weeks ago and I just withdrew my profits of $9,300. Thank you so much sir for being real. call or whatsapp him with +1518 3519039…..

  8. This is all just so excellent — you scoop some great stuff. You've gotta admire rheumy-eyed McAffee in this instance, I'd say. 🙂

  9. Tron choo,choo! 5 4 3 2 1 Houston we have lift off! Either way it goes Tron is on the move. For better or worse,for richer or poorer, thru sickness an health. Hodl gang baby.

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