What do you guys think? Is the ASUS ROG Smartphone the future of gaming phones?
Time to own a bunch of PUBG mobile bitches.
Where has this phone been all my life? Is it too soon to say "Shut up and take my money!"?
Hope it's at least waterproof and got a good camera setup
I want one
This is an impressive piece of hardware! I can't wait to get one
Can it run crisis?
رائع جدا
They should have made it 120 GHZ
Jesus fucking christ i’m hyped
Yes this is the future of gaming phone and when it is realeasd I am gonna buy this immediately (if it does not exede my budget)
I want this
But can it run crysis ?
Whats the call quality like?
جميل حاتم من العراق
Next 3ds
Asus have obv. put a lot of time and effort into designing this. As a phone the specs makes it stand out clear from all other phones. 90 Hz refresh rate on a phone!!And people are complaining about this potentially costing $1,000. Look at all the tech you get. The phone is highly speced, there's also the hand grip attachment to use it like a Nintendo Switch, and do not forget there is the docking station also. That has more connections then a lot of PCs. Don't even ask the Mac users. Makes the flagships from Apple, Google and Samsung look like tired old rip-offs. Well done Asus.
Contact lenses?
DAMN ???
It is gonna be more expensive than a maxed out pc
why is the peppa pig in chinese ? it seems like you are in Hong Kong ?
No such thing as good mobile gaming phones if there aren't even many good mobile games
Cool no doubt ! Here's my concern , why spend probably 2500 dollars on a phone and all the other attachments needed to make the same thing as buying the laptop and having the bigger screen ,more power and able to do the same thing is a phone . Besides a phone won't have the longevity a laptop would . Also by the time you get a suitcase for all the pieces you end up with something the same size as a laptop . Just the way I see it but person choice is your choice !
wow this phone is sick
But Can it Run Crysis?
Coluld you please review mi 8.
This is beast..
Razer cry in corner
Let me guess – 2999 for a phone alone, 399 for a dongle, 599 for a deck and 299 for the cooling system. Btw, admit that you got paid some extra for NOT mentioning which Snapdragon processor is this.
What do you guys think? Is the ASUS ROG Smartphone the future of gaming phones?
Time to own a bunch of PUBG mobile bitches.
Where has this phone been all my life? Is it too soon to say "Shut up and take my money!"?
Hope it's at least waterproof and got a good camera setup
I want one
This is an impressive piece of hardware!
I can't wait to get one
Can it run crisis?
رائع جدا
They should have made it 120 GHZ
Jesus fucking christ i’m hyped
Yes this is the future of gaming phone and when it is realeasd I am gonna buy this immediately (if it does not exede my budget)
I want this
But can it run crysis ?
Whats the call quality like?
حاتم من العراق
Next 3ds
Asus have obv. put a lot of time and effort into designing this. As a phone the specs makes it stand out clear from all other phones. 90 Hz refresh rate on a phone!!And people are complaining about this potentially costing $1,000. Look at all the tech you get. The phone is highly speced, there's also the hand grip attachment to use it like a Nintendo Switch, and do not forget there is the docking station also. That has more connections then a lot of PCs. Don't even ask the Mac users. Makes the flagships from Apple, Google and Samsung look like tired old rip-offs. Well done Asus.
Contact lenses?
DAMN ???
It is gonna be more expensive than a maxed out pc
why is the peppa pig in chinese ? it seems like you are in Hong Kong ?
No such thing as good mobile gaming phones if there aren't even many good mobile games
Cool no doubt ! Here's my concern , why spend probably 2500 dollars on a phone and all the other attachments needed to make the same thing as buying the laptop and having the bigger screen ,more power and able to do the same thing is a phone . Besides a phone won't have the longevity a laptop would . Also by the time you get a suitcase for all the pieces you end up with something the same size as a laptop . Just the way I see it but person choice is your choice !
wow this phone is sick
But Can it Run Crysis?
Coluld you please review mi 8.
This is beast..
Razer cry in corner
Let me guess – 2999 for a phone alone, 399 for a dongle, 599 for a deck and 299 for the cooling system. Btw, admit that you got paid some extra for NOT mentioning which Snapdragon processor is this.