The Last of Us Episode 6: TV Show vs Game Comparison

The Last of Us Episode 6: TV Show vs Game Comparison

How close does The Last of Us Episode 6 compare to the event in The Last of Us Part 1? We put several scenes from the HBO …


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About the Author: IGN


  1. I'll send profane-free thoughts and prayers to whoever is able to explain to me why profanity is being censored in a video covering a show that is (strangely enough) more brutal than the use of words relating to reproduction and digestion.

  2. What the hell happened to Tommy??? Is that a fake mustache?! and why is his hair dyed so heavily?? Someone tell Tommy to come home and lie down before he has another mid-life crisis.

  3. The show just doesn’t hit the same the lines don’t carry weight like they do in the game. The show just wants to hit these major beats and forget why they hit so hard in the game… imo

  4. The fact that the director did not want the actors to play the game and yet they still deliver an amazing performance blows my mind

  5. Show is extremely rushed. They needed an additional 2 episodes to make up for the useless bill and frank episode. And then they are wasting another on Riley DLC

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