The History of Virtual Reality – A New Place to Call Home – Extra Sci Fi – #1

The History of Virtual Reality - A New Place to Call Home - Extra Sci Fi - #1

From Aldous Huxley to Philip K. Dick, early references to virtual reality simulations abound in science fiction literature, and …


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About the Author: Extra History


  1. I really hope Oculus bankrupts, and VR fad dies, again, and then, on it's crappy ashes of it's crappy games, we can start building proper holodecks.

  2. Here's an extremely niche "let's make VR accessible" problem that impacts me: I can't use a VR headset because I am too blind…technically my glasses are for distance, but the "distance" at which I stop being able to see clearly is about two inches from my eyeballs, so without my glasses I can't see the screen clearly because it's too far away and with my glasses I can't wear the thing on my head. Sucks to be me.

  3. Would the chronicles of narnia count as virtual reality? Since the Pevensies are aware of our world and Narnia? And Polly and diggory visit other worlds besides narnia too.

  4. I’ve been in a shopping centre where they have a vr booth where you put on a headset a armour plate and gloves and walk around picking stuff up etc it was really short but cool and this week I bought a oculus go and I’m very impressed

  5. Uncle Enzo would approve of this video. Hopefully people will watch it and understand Ready Player One and the Takeshi Kovacs books are not actually that great.

  6. 1:41 Anyone else notice that it's the elf talking about the DM like they were fiction instead of the other way around?

    I don't think that elf is telling a very interesting story, being totally honest.

  7. "We can't talk about this book because we might spoil it for you" we're on YouTube my dude you aren't spoiling anything for anyone here I assure you

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