RLCS Spring Major | Championship Sunday

RLCS Spring Major | Championship Sunday

Watch Day 4 of the RLCS Spring Major now! Championship Sunday is upon us. Only one team can rise above the rest and claim …


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About the Author: Rocket League Esports


  1. In the game of KC Vitality you can see the personality of Vatira and what a bad kind of Person he is. You truly have to teach this guy to show respect to his opponets its still a sport and this man vatira is truly not a sportsman

  2. Not a spoiler: Radosin is SO underrated by all the commentary. Zen and Alpha deserve the hype they get but I could argue Radosin as being the best player on the roster. Super slept on. GGs everyone!

  3. Ferra is easily the mvp of this major. He sacrificed his pride to give his team some much needed energy from the crowd.

    Now THAT'S a coach👏

  4. Both Rise's and Vatira's personalities during matches make me not wanting to root for them. Vitality had a lot more wholesome energy, deserved win not only in skill, but also in sportsmanship.

  5. Absolute fraud that shit consistently looked rigged as all hell to me, I can't believe this might be happening

  6. anyone have a timestamp or like at what point ferra (vitality coach) gets the NA ON TOP sign?? like when do they turn into the crowd favorites/when the idea to do so comes in? i love it

  7. That moment with Ferra after they will in the lower final to call the crowd to cheer for them for the first series. I remember when everyone lost their minds on the double fake play that Ferra pulled off in worlds and also that moment in S3 or 4 when he stood on his desk as the caster said and got the crowd to cheer for him. God I love Ferra. GG Vitality.

  8. 7:25:10 is what you came for
    i'm already hyped for the Aftermovie but PLEASE i know he didn't score, but I really really hope they will put the zen's triple reset in the montage (3:10:25)

  9. Are opposing teams not allowed to be coached during the other teams timeouts? They kept saying "why wouldn't Vitality use their timeout, it's going to waste?!" If BDS can discuss strategy during Vitality's TO I would never use that timeout, keep the momentum rolling and don't give BDS time to breath….

  10. Playing four series in a row is brutal. I honestly didn't think Vitality could pull it off. But holy shit they're in a class of their own. Tier 0 team.

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