Dallas Empire kings of the Call of Duty League? | ESPN ESPORTS

Dallas Empire kings of the Call of Duty League? | ESPN ESPORTS

As the only team in the Call of Duty League to win a LAN and online tournament, the Dallas Empire have redeemed their Launch …


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About the Author: ESPN Esports


  1. Dallas are the best team in the game right now. No question about it as they've won 2 events now. Doesn't matter that it's online, they still won on LAN before. Chicago tho have for sure fallen below Florida who is now at #3 in terms of power rankings currently

  2. they clealy dont know what theyre talking about. literally players from all teams are saying this event win doesn't mean "as much" as LAN events. Sure its still impressive and counts but it's not a good indicator for the best team overall. We already knew Dallas dominated online and this is just another example.

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