5 New Gadgets From "Shark Tank" Tested By Design Expert | Well Equipped | Epicurious

5 New Gadgets From "Shark Tank" Tested By Design Expert | Well Equipped | Epicurious

Design and usability guru Dan Formosa returns to evaluate and improve upon 5 more gadgets that first appeared on β€œShark Tank.


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  1. Just realized that he is wearing a shark fin! πŸ˜… That banana gadget is cool but looks like pain to clean! Plus I feel I would not be using it much or forget what it is used for! πŸ˜…

  2. The pizza thingy was a great idea but yes all I do is put it in a gallon baggie and take the slices out to reheat on a paper plate. You can shape the baggie around the shape of any size pizza not to mention the 1000 of uses of gallon baggies

  3. Peel the banana. Cut the banana in half long ways. Spread your choice onto one side or both. Close both halves together. Now you have a banana sandwich.

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