How High Will the Market Rise? – CryptoCurrency Market – Crypto Market News

The cryptocurrency market is still in the green today and slowly continuing to rise. How high will the crypto market go?
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  1. Hi Guys i'm Nina and i'd like to let everyone know about my recent progress in the Crypto market. i have been trading for some time now and i have been able to gather some experiences in my trades both in Binary Options and in Crypto market. it is true that the crypto market is not on the high side now like it was last year,because of the fluctuation in the price which is normal with financial markets just like you have in other financial markets such as bonds,shares and stocks.The point i'm trying to make here is a lot of people are becoming afraid to loose their money because of the fluctuations in the market,so they have decided to HOLD and not TRADE. waiting for price to go up which is not the best. Trading your coin still remains the BEST option to make in the crypto market.when you HOLD,you are at more risk than when you TRADE. i was skeptic at sometime about my trades so i decided to HOLD but i made more loss than ever,so i decided to trade and i made more don't have to be afraid of trading because of the market price go ahead and trade actually this is the best time to trade now that the price is low and droping. for those who have not started,with 0.5 BTC you could get started.there are a lot of people making it in the crypto world. why not start today and join millions out there in this profit making trend. ninagarcia250@gmail. com

  2. Warm Tеlеgram channеl whеrе АIRDROPs аrе рublishеd everу day; @airdrop_yes AIRDRОP – at nо сost distributi0n оf tokеns to еvеryone fr0m diffеrent IСО Giving оnlу 6-8 minuТes pеr dаy on rеgistrаtiоn in differеnt АIRDRОP it is роssiblе to reсеivе 2ОО-3ОО d0llаrs рer daу.

  3. Don't go all in buying, the market is super volatile now and that technical analysis burns real bad sometimes. LUAEZKdNwmHrKV99VznP5LJtpaGsL2EZxX

  4. No idea which way it goes, I can't believe anyone knows – Coinseed looks like you'd deposit at most a few hundred USD a year, not enough to make a big difference, and why do you need a coin for this coin

  5. LKmNHb67bkoy2FsQm6aSKdpGtcpd8Nh6q9

    Hey, gj on the video. Imo, if people would be willing to hodl just a bit, and not sell everything at once we might not scare off the noobs again

  6. Thanks for those details! I like the way most these Altcoins are looking. 30% for larger gains and 15% for the normal gains. It's still early stages though and things will pick up hopefully even though its all volatile.
    I like the way Qtum is looking btw quite a massive growth in the past day or two. When im not focusing on ICO's, i like to look and trade in Altcoins, so its great to have this info made public!
    Anyone recommend any decent investments ?

  7. Crypto is here to stay, and is set to change the world. Knocking down borders, a lot of interesting things are gonna be coming. Hopefully none of them are wars over fear of change. This has huge potential for creating amazing new ideas and innovations. It's happening and you can't put it back or stop it.

  8. those tatts are cool no homo i hope the market crash is over and i think because of tax returne we will moonshot to almost double our market cap today like 600B or so

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