Take a look back at some of the best moments of May in Esports. Watch ESPN on YouTube TV: http://ow.ly/1YWF30aFCi3 Subscribe NOW to ESPN on YouTube: http://ow.ly/xjsF309WWdG Get more ESPN…
Take a look back at some of the best moments of May in Esports. Watch ESPN on YouTube TV: http://ow.ly/1YWF30aFCi3 Subscribe NOW to ESPN on YouTube: http://ow.ly/xjsF309WWdG Get more ESPN…
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no one who is into competitive gaming watches television and no one who watches television is into competitive gaming, what's to gain here, outside of alienating your core audience?
top 2 league of loser game hahahahah kids game
If video games arent sports then what is poker and chess???
Lmao people so mad they have Esports top play of may as a video but if u dont like how people think video games are sports why would u click on the video just to say shit about gaming
Some of the ill-informed out there wondering why this is on ESPN, it's so obvious when you decide to turn on your brain. It brings in money. Plain and simple. Gaming is a giant in the entertainment industry and not to capitalise on it would be completely illogical. So why don't you get with the times; It wasn't too long ago that traditional sports were also criticised for being televised.
People are so triggered in the comments lmao
I'm so confused right now ?
Cannot wait for MArvel vs capcom
Make fun of eSports all you want but when it overtakes actual sports in a few years, you'll know you were on the wrong side.
So now video games are sports THATS BLASPHEMOUS!!!!!!????
Man, people don't know how hard these guys practice. This is as much of a sport as any other.
SonicFox completely destroyed everybody at CB
I don't think eSports are sports, but at least they don't have millions of hours of commercials like HandEgg, Baseball, etc. They are better to watch.
These fools can call it sports if they want to. Just don't ever call yourself an athlete while sitting on your ass playing video games.
This is gonna trigger so many people
Fucking liberals
All you need is a Xbox to become an athlete now?
Stop trying to make nerds feel better about themselves
lmao this some virgin shit right here. corny
Don't ever tell me any idea is a bad one I'm not coming at E athletes by no chance but if you told me I'd be able to make a living playing video games I'd laugh at you
it's 2017 but still people are dumb as fak. this is not sport? of course idiot this is e-sport
millennials will defend this