South Park: The Fractured But Whole Review

South Park: The Fractured But Whole reviewed by Dan Stapleton on Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC. South Park: The Fractured But Whole Gameplay Walkthrough – IGN Live: E3 2017…


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  1. I'm not sure which story I like better but the gameplay is definitely much better in this game. More party members and much more in depth.

  2. Agreed, awesome game. Hilarious moments, intricate story with plot twists (low replay value though), great gameplay and challenging battles on Mastermind setting or above. Must buy for SP fans.

  3. I give this game a 6.5 out of 10 I found this game story to be very dull compared to the stick of truth, sure there was comedy but the main comedy was only at the end with lyles cousin where in TSOT there was comedy throughout.The combat and free roaming in this game was amazing much better then TSOT but I do wish there was more funny rude side quests. I gave it this score as I believe this game should have been released a bit later with more content.

    From this i hope the next South Park game adds 4 player coop story in this same South Park world that would be so amazing,

  4. Not to be mean, but I hate the new controls. I liked the old one in the first South Park game, much easier to control.

  5. Also played on Mastermind and this was so easy ridiculously easy the only battle that gave me any trouble was the King fight because Craig could make more and more characters

  6. All the IGN hate comments and memes are SO tiresome. It's like the internet kids are just trying to hang on to any edgyness they have and hope they get likes to get some validation online. So sad

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