Highway Chase! BEST VR GAME HANDS DOWN!! – London Heist VR

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About the Author: TheSLAPTrain


  1. talk about take the piss this is the best ps4 vr game demo of all time an absolute winner or poss a grand theft auto psvr game but do playstation listen or even take notice psvr games are good but why tease us like this YOU SLAGS release a ps vr game now gta or london heist heres another clue in psvr why not a decent photo face on the enemies you or ya mates faces running round london with my facking drugs ill send the boys in you get my drift BLUD !!!!!!!

  2. This game looks sick. But tbh, bro your more entertaining than the game its self. I think that's what makes the v.r. the most fun. I know its an old vid. But still showing some luv

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