ALL FORTNITE DANCES IN VIRTUAL REALITY! APRIL 2018 Rogue Shadow — April 17, 2018 30 comments Tweet on Twitter Share on Facebook Google+ Pinterest 1000 IN SYNC! GIVEAWAY: I used full body tracking technology to roughly recreate most of the dances from Fortnite: BR!… source #boogiedown #boogiedown fortnite all fortnite dances ALL FORTNITE DANCES IN VIRTUAL REALITY! APRIL 2018 best mates fbt Fortnite fortnite battle royale Fortnite BR fortnite dances fortnite dances in real life fortnite dances in virtual reality fortnite dances in vr fortnite fbt fortnite full body tracking fortnite virtual reality fortnite vr fresh dance in sync new fortnite dances real life fortnite ride the pony salt bae take the l v bucks vbucks Tweet on Twitter Share on Facebook Google+ Pinterest
Now I'd love to thumbs this up, but because its fortnite related im sorry but i will have to give a thumbs down And as always #snowshadow forever
I think this was worth the wait when I heard you on stream that you'll upload this today cause now I can sleep… P.s. it's 4:12 AM right now on my side
Very nice
every f'in time I see your cable management I die inside haha
Great video as always (hi just a lurker ?)
Laughed way too much at this ? Good job though my man
Yesturday a 30 person jerk off party happened at club rogue, have fun cleaning up the cum lol :p
Now I'd love to thumbs this up, but because its fortnite related im sorry but i will have to give a thumbs down
And as always #snowshadow forever
Fortnite – PUBG R 6
The robot sprinkler and topsey
The robot
Im cryin men soo amazing.
That intro was epic and also I wish I could do the worm like that
Jesus Rogue… I was dying the first 30 seconds XD!!!
Now do this with people on VR troll them
Rogue at least you tried right anyway you did good
Nice good lol
This is the first time I seen your face B E A UTIFUL
I think this was worth the wait when I heard you on stream that you'll upload this today cause now I can sleep…
P.s. it's 4:12 AM right now on my side
i could watch this over & over again btw yesterdays live stream i stayed on it until 3hours & 36mins
It's May the odds be ever in your favor
Topsy turvey isn't in the game and try hard as well
Awsome man didnt know ucould dance that well!
Seventh comment and damn man you had to have fun making this. Nice work Rogue. Lol
The first one got me cracking up ???
Nice dance moves bro
Hey love your vids??
Y just y