20 Coolest Smart Home Gadgets of 2023

20 Coolest Smart Home Gadgets of 2023

It’s time to turn your house into a tech wonderland! In today’s video you’ll see a fridge that may double as a hub, and a pro chef …


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About the Author: YouFact Tech


  1. Bah ha ha go ahead & buy that stuff. All those companies will know your every move! you won't have any privacy because everything is connected, to the internet!!! 🙄🙄

  2. It looks like several of the comments on this vid are bots. You can tell by the lack of context and generality of the comments.

  3. "it scans my mood and energy level and then it brews the tea according to your state." This is the biggest BS I've heard this morning, and I watched a bit of Fox News earlier. Does it come with a Lucky Astrology Mood Ring to help with that?

  4. It's interesting to see what's new out there. It seems that the main thrust of many new inventions is to take as many non-electronic devices as possible and make them electricity dependant, and to take as many electricity dependant devices as possible and make them as complex as possible. I still enjoy these videos but so many new products seem designed to solve problems that I don't have. I could take a minute and use my phone to adjust my " smart " window blinds, or I could take 5 seconds and twist the little handle … see what I mean.

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