Is the cryptocurrency market going bearish or will we finally break bullish? Crypto News!
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I am not a professional financial adviser. All investments you make are of your own. Do your own research.
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Over the previous week, the cryptocurrency market and bitcoin have constantly been risky in the $300 billion region, shifting up and down inside the vary of $280 billion and $350 billion. The market has operated within this boundary at some point of March.
Lol I have been saying it for months now that the bubble burst and its not going on to ATH any time soon. Bitcoin was destroyed by the futures. Until we have fiat pairs for altcoins, the market is going to be crap for a long time.
I don't see a Bull run any time soon, the Volume is sad…and FAKED as recent articles have proven. This ALONE is very bad for smart investors. Because of this I have ZERO faith in Crypto now. Tether still and issue being an ILLEGAL money service in most US states, the SEC in the background which could come with bad news any time. If' you're smart stay out for now.
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For me its exciting sharing this great news to all the BTC holders, a friend told me about some group of BTC pool miners "CRYPTOLITE DESK" that has been helping him make 0.015609BTC daily for the past 3 months with the Bitcoins in his wallet with a very hi-tech hardware, ANTIMINER S9 and they only demands 10% of the total bitcoins profit after the successful transaction, looked like a joke to me until i tried it with just 0.3BTC and it worked out perfectly, i advise every BTC holders to get in touch if you want more information about them, my email christainabrunt@gmail.com, you will be glad you did.
Who do you follow on Twitter ? Could you please let us know who the TAs you follow on twitter
Omg made alot of money trading bitcoin cashed out alot of funds so happy today
Ncash best sf technology product
ONTOLOGY!! buy b4 its gone!!!
Check out https://cryptopiece.com/
You ever cover BOScoin? boscoin.io. awesome project from South Korea
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Does anyone want a share of PBC PALM BEACH CONFIDENTIAL with me? I subscribed. Email me: mrbigcoins at gmail
Last week crypto was GOING to the moon….you dont have a clue do you?.
Great video, Subscribed! Greetings: 6 Reasons Why Cryptocurrency Makes You a Better Person http://www.cryptovibes.com/knowledge/6-reasons-why-cryptocurrency-makes-you-a-better-person/
best crypto in this month is xatra coins, i bought 10,000 xatra with 50% discount on the round 2 of the ICO, i will sell them at double price at the end of the ICO, find them here http://www.xatra.io
Perspective Tеlegram сhannеl @airdrop_yes where AIRDRОРS аrе рublishеd evеry daу AIRDRОP = frее distributiоn of tokеns to everyоne fr0m diffеrent ICOO; Giving оnly 6-8 minuТеs реr day on rеgisТratiоn in diffеrеnt АIRDROP it is possiblе to reсеive 200-400 dоl pеr dаy.
If only making money was really that easy. I fear you’re missing the point. Not all of these coins are gonna see their all time highs ever again. Some will; and other newer coins will go on a run, but Tron, for example, may never rise so high again. Or maybe it will…. Months or years from now.
If it were that easy, then we could all sleep tonight knowing we’ll soon be stinking rich…. I think we know life doesn’t really work like that.
Background is looking mint!! Keep it keep boss?? big moves
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The new backdrop is on point!
I've come to the conclusion that no one even knows wtf is going on anymore
Market will keep doing what it's doing for the next several months at least, too much uncertainty right now, stop believing May is going to be the month of the bulls, these analysts said March would be too, after Chinese New Year, blah blah…If you believe in crypto, hodl on until 2021 and so forth, forget this May of this year nonsense.
Can we see the growth of Trx to 30¢, can't we..??
It's like "I am hoping the price will go up :(" mate shame on u…. U have no idea what's investing
Party in your mouth smh
The back drop is way better man. Looks like the camera quality is getting a little better too
Once. Crypto. Is. Accepted. It. Will. Moon.
All of you guys should know that the only Ico that cares about the community is GIG9.
Nice background 😀
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Nice new background.
A much better set!
We need a review of Bunny Token. Fed up of seeing the ads for it on youtube.
Hi Zach. The new drop back looks great!! Feels like the morning in the financial district.
Question Invacia has restricted regions for US and Singapore. Since I am American can I legally invest in the ICO?