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About the Author: Academy of Ideas


  1. i get depressed watching this stuff….i wish i didnt…I feel like less of a human (because i behave in much of these ways and feel like a schitzo. I wish i didnt have the looming pressure of inadequacy and shame that comes with watching these videos…I want to watch to better understand and learn but most of the time I am just forced into a hopeless despair. Boo

  2. Branches of Hinduism say that all anxiety comes from the mind and that the mind is engrossed by the 5 senses. They believe to be free of anxiety and suffering one has to quiet the mind. They call Maya the illusion of this mind and its 5 senses. They strive to take time to turn the mind off and finally feel peaceful. Exactly the opposite of being constantly frantically imputed into the mind thru the eyes to the screen. No wonder people are becoming less happy and serene…You rest your body after vigorous exercise why not rest your mind after vigorous thought? Or is it better to drown one's anxieties in alcohol, drugs, addictions to try to escape the hurricane of ideas. Welcome to modern life:)

  3. I also spend a lot of time staring at screens, but I'm very much aware of the real world around me. That and I'm not all that compatible with people in general. Especially not these days since it's pretty much the era of lies & deceit.

  4. With the advent of the screen, it seems it's a slow progress to transhumanism. If we continue on this path of being disembodied and disconnected we'll end up in a transhumanist dystopia. I think that's a goal the powers that be. If anyone noticed there's an increase of everything becoming digital. A cashless society is approaching, the metaverse, streaming music, movies, online shopping.

  5. "Much of the suffering of a schizophrenic arises from their lack of common sense." How about the voices that accompany you every waking hour as you are crying and begging for them to stop while drifting between reality and a parallel universe of hell. Tactile hallucinations of men touching you and auditory hallucinations telling you that you killed your baby brother. As you were comparing smartphone addiction with a devastating disease you failed to consider that "the schizophrenic" might watch your video or be a coworker, family member or even you in the future. I am convinced that you would not make the same comparison with any physical disorder.

    But just to be sure, throw away your smartphones fast – or schizophrenia is gonna get you!

  6. ๐Ÿค” A VIDEO on YouTube complaining about the overwhelming influence of TECHNOLOGY on modern society is somewhat contradictory . . . Even schizophrenic? What is needed is direction from our elders to our youngsters as to how to manage the time spent on such technology. I see a vague comparison with baby buggies where the child sits facing away from the adult pushing it. The child tries to interact with the adult, but cannot do so being strapped in. Said adult, meanwhile, is focused on a smartphone and ignoring the child. Or the child has a phone playing videos . . . ๐Ÿ˜ข!

  7. Something interesting I've found as I stopped using social media and started being intentional with my internal and external growth (and started hitting smaller goals/gaining smaller levels of success) is that you start to attract people who try to live through you. The most obvious example is if you drive a nice car and park it somewhere, then someone is going to take a photo of themselves in front of it to post on their social media to try and gain validation for themselves through the results of what you've done. Used to be that you would talk to the owner, compliment them on their car and ask them how to get a cool car (and if you were lucky they'd tell you that the car is a by-product, not the end product).

  8. Just sit there to contemplate it all after you come back because you're gonna see such
    crazy and radical things in these trips. That when you come back you're gonna be like what the fuck was that? And you're gonna spend a week just in the shower, what the fuck was that? Cooking your food, what the fuck was that? Driving to work, what the fuck was that? Sitting at work doing your work, what the fuck was that? Thinking that. Trying to wrap your mind around it. Try to remember and trying to figure it out and that's a very valuable process.

  9. On a certain level, we have a drug store in our brain, the neurochemicals that show up in flow: so dopamine, norepinephrine, anandamide, endorphins, and serotonin. If you were to try to cocktail the street drug version of that, right, you're trying to blend like heroin and speed and coke and acid and weed- and point is, you can't do it. It turns out the brain can cocktail all of 'em at once, which is why people will prefer flow to almost any experience on Earth. It's our favorite experience. It's the most addictive experience on Earth. Why? 'Cause it cocktails five or six of the largest pleasure drugs the brain can produce. We're all capable of so much more than we know. That is a commonality across the board. And one of the big reasons is we're all hardwired for flow, and flow is a massive amplification of what's possible for ourselves.

  10. Masculinity is a cope. What men need is empowerment and equal rights. Start by addressing and finding solutions to the worst inequalities i.e having a 5 years shorter life expectancy due to higher work related stress, making up 93% of work place fatalities, 92% of deaths due to war, 76% of suicides and homicides, 55% of DV victims, 24% victims of r ape and SA at the hands of a woman accompanied by no legal due process, getting 63% more prison time for the same crimes, 81% of homelessness, getting significantly less illness funding, 40% less chances to be adopted and so on.

  11. it's seems to me you are talking about dissociation not schizophrenia there is not much psychosis here maybe hysteria but not much psychosis. I understand the easy confusion I highly recommend an intelligent person such as yourself to research the contrast between the two it is a fascinating subject.

  12. All of my life, I've viewed myself as a mind that also had a body. But recently, I had an epiphany that I am a body that just happens to have a mind. The difference is not a subtle one.

  13. Me: I finally got rid of Social media!
    YouTube: HAHA you think so? Let me introduce YT shorts Moohaha
    Me: scrolling through YouTube shorts until 3am.

    I've noticed the problem and now I stick to watching informative videos.

  14. Too much of a good thing is bad for you. Put away the screens…sleep earlier, live lean and clean. Most brains cannot handle so many inputs. Attention rots the soul. ๐Ÿคทโ€โ™‚๏ธ๐Ÿ’โ€โ™€๏ธ

  15. And where does reading/studying text lie? People have been doing that for a long time. People used to read books on their downtime, and now we watch pictures. Pictures look closer to reality than text does

  16. Or put another way, this perilous social Gambit played out in opposition to the inevitable outcome when one chooses to deny social Darwinism, ends one way; tragedy.
    For in the act of domesticating the house cat, when we pulled out its claws (or any other objectively cruel mutilation), we amputate not only undesirable outcomes, but any outcome that offers growth; we eschew flavors of evolution which require even the risk of undesirable outcomes.

  17. Avoiding social media is tough because it feels like you're missing out. There's so much going on out there that you kinda feel like you're living under a rock if you don't stay constantly updated.

  18. I was born in the 60's, modern technology is becoming the downfall of this world, it's killing America, I'm a dinosaur by today's standards, before all this modern technology people like me were i don't have any hope for our country anymore, times were so much better in my day, people were friendly, and actually talked to each other in person,& we actually looked at each other, & we didn't ignor our families..people on a date held hands instead of a phone…younger generation just won't ever understand, they're all brainwashed now…

  19. Academy of Ideas, after a long time of toiling of what to do with my spare time, it hit me, just TODAY: I have no desire to play video games, or watch TV or movies anymore, and looking at my smart phone brings me 0 joy but I do it to explicitly pass time and avoid responsibility. And then you upload this video today perfectly complementing my newfound sense of 0 joy in screen activities. But the problem, is that I have no joy in anything. I don't WANT to do ANYTHING. It's very uncomfortable. I don't know what to do.

  20. Me: Opens my computer screen to watch highly informative and enlightening video.

    Video: Perfectly articulates why watching too many screens can disconnect you from reality, etc.


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