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About the Author: YouFact Tech


  1. So the VICTORIAN ROPE TIN has been reinvented then? This idea was commonplace in the past when everything was wrapped up with string instead of sellotape.

  2. Ah yes let me spend extra money for 120 ft of rope and a fancy cup with a rope cutter on it that will eventually be useless

  3. a huge can full with rope is surely not gona take less space then a rope at the same length, rope can be squished and stored more neatly away then a huge ass can, sorry all of those ''must have '' items are garbage

  4. So after you cut the rope…how does it not just fly back into the thing and you can’t get it back. How does it know where to catch the end after every cut. Or maybe I’m just dumb and you have to tie a knot on it after each cut

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