The Rabbit R1 is Just an App??

This week, Marques, Andrew, and David sit down to chat about birds. That’s it. That’s what the episode is about. But then they …


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About the Author: WVFRM Podcast


  1. What about limiting the amount of shorts that can got to 90 seconds. Like a creator has 1-2 chances a month to go up to 90 seconds. That way if the have the 1-2 more sentences they can do it but they are still heavily encouraged to do 1 min videos

  2. 1:01:01 please don't become Linus with the segue crap. No one really cares if you do or don't segue. The pitiful attempts are hilarious though. But for real, I stopped watching Linus.

  3. Hot take- YT shorts should be 30 seconds. Just like with twitter and vine, the restrictions foster succinct and creative content, and the current 1 min length is too long for that. Anything longer than 30 seconds can warrant its own regular YT video and Shorts should offer a way for a 30 second short to seamlessly transition into a proper long form video when applicable.

  4. Siri has gotten way smarter in the last few weeks!
    I get spoken answers that are correct and often have a reference, and no "Check-out- what- I- found- on- the- web" assigned reading

  5. PLEASE Try the combo of things they did in the Rabbit ad. Specifically the "tell everyone I'm running late"
    Would love to see the tank that comes of that

  6. Marques should hire an assistant for 90 days, and use that to come up with the definitive list of everything an AI assistant should be able to do, in order to truly replace a human.

  7. I think a big part I really like about the rabbit and humane pin are that they don't have an interface that can draw you into this digital world. These AI products are designed primarily to interact with the real world first, and I really want the products to continue along that design paradigm

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